Saturday, September 1, 2012

We've Grown!

Well, it's the end of the summer, and the garden has grown!  We've been so busy planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting (the best part!) that we've neglected to post.  But we'll try to get better.  Here are some pics of our labor come to fruition:

 Our lovely sign, designed by Karen Guard (neighbor and graphic artist).

 Here comes the sun (flower)!

 A helpful little waterer, tending the community herb garden.

 The old Russian folktale "The Giant Turnip," but we do it Byrd Park style:  The Giant Weed!

 Susan Loop gets her garden ready for fall.

 Peppers and tomatoes...

 ...and eggplant (ratatouille, anyone?).

 Edamame, ready for picking.

 Okra and flowers.

 A ripe and ready cuke.

 And this melon looks promising.

Beware of little boys carrying snake gourds!

Well, folks, that's all for now.  But come on out to the garden and see more for yourself.  We're having a neighborhood potluck next Sunday evening (extra points for dishes made with garden produce!), September 9th at 6pm.  So come join us!  And eat your veggies!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Workday photos

Thank you so much to everyone who came out this past weekend to build our community garden!  Plots are for sale NOW so grab one quick before it's too late!  A HUGE thank you to The Camel for providing lunch and the West End Market for drinks!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Plot rental agreements etc

Byrd Park Community Garden
Plots Available NOW!

Are you a frustrated city gardener with a lack of sunny greenspace?
Are you a curious or novice gardener looking for others to teach you some plant-growing tricks?
Are you a penny-saver hoping to ease the grocery budget by growing your own food?
Are you a Byrd Park resident seeking to connect with our neighborhood gardening community?

If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, we have the answer! The Byrd Park Community Garden is offering raised bed plots (4 feet x 8 feet) to 20 residents of our neighborhood for a base fee of $50 plus a start-up fee of $20 this year ($70 total fee for 2012). These will be available on a first come, first served basis to individuals who submit their check for $70 and a signed plot rental agreement (click here).

The Byrd Park Community Garden will be located at 2100 Idlewood on the grounds of the lovely and historic Winthrop Manor, a newly opened assisted living facility for senior adults. Our groundbreaking weekend is April 14th and 15th so if you'd like to be a part of building the garden, we need your shovels and skills! (click here to sign up!)

The plot enrollment period begins Wednesday, March 28th, and continues until all plots are rented. If we have more applicants than plots available, we may be able to accommodate those on the waiting list by building more beds, but to ensure your spot in the Community Garden, get your completed application in now! Turn in your $70 check (payable to Tricycle Gardens) and signed plot rental agreement to Leslie Hartman, 2107 Maplewood Avenue.

Questions, email us at

See you at the garden!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


How you can help:

Make a financial contribution so we can build the garden. Our bare bones budget is around $2,000. Mail or drop off your donation at 2112 Lakeview Avenue – Ruthie Morrison’s home. Make your check to “Tricycle Gardens” our fiscal sponsor. Contributions ARE tax-deductible.

Lettuce grow!  (Sorry for the pun...)

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  What is this garden all about, anyway?
A.  Glad you asked! There are gardens that are popping up all over town and a bunch of neighbors thought the Byrd Park neighborhood needed one too! The garden will be on the grounds of Winthrop Manor, at the corner of Idlewood and Rowland. Each of its 20 (or more) raised beds will be “rented” for an annual fee by families and friends here in the neighborhood. A community garden is a great place for neighbors to come together to meet one another, grow delicious vegetables, or have fun trying, and give young folks in the neighborhood a chance to experience nature.

Q.  When are the workdays?
A.  Saturday April 14th and Sunday April 15th!  We'll update with more information as soon as we set it, but definitely mark those dates on your calendar! We’ll be building the raised beds and laying out the garden. If you’re interested email for details.

Q.  What if I can't help on the workdays?  
A.  No problem!  You're still welcome to participate in the garden.  :)

Q.  How do I rent a plot?
A. We’ll have 20 or more plots this season. Email Leslie Hartman to get on the list:

asparagus by Zcmacphearson

Our Garden Rules

Winthrop Manor/Byrd Park Neighborhood Community Garden

Annual Plot Agreement: January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012

I will pay a fee of $70.00 ($50 base rate + $20 first year start-up costs) for a full plot (approximately 4’ x 8’) to help cover expenses related to my use of the garden plot, shed, water supply, workshops, and other activities. I understand that this fee is not refundable. I will turn in the fee (payable to Tricycle Gardens) with my signed Annual Plot Agreement to the Garden Steward by April 14, 2012.

I understand that my use of the garden plot is allowed through the generosity of Winthrop Manor and its management. I also understand that this plot is on private property. I will abide by the rules and restrictions set forth by Winthrop Manor and will adhere to all instructions from Winthrop Manor staff. If I fail to follow any rule or instruction (and thereby jeopardize the community’s use of this property) I may be asked to relinquish my garden plot immediately.

I understand that leases are an annual agreement. In this inaugural year, the lease covers the time period from the commencement of the garden to December 31, 2012. Subsequent years will cover January 1 through December 31.

I understand that plots for this first year are available first come, first served to those who turn in signed lease forms and fees and that any applicants in excess of twenty will be put on the waiting list.

I understand that gardeners from the previous season will have first preference and may choose either the same plot or a vacant plot if one exists.

I understand that if I don’t maintain my plot throughout the growing season, I may be declined renewal for the following year. Maintenance includes removing wire grass and other pervasive weeds in a timely fashion as they not only impact my plot but also the plots of my neighboring gardeners. Abandoned plots will be given immediately to applicants on the waiting list.

I understand that I am required to give some volunteer time back to the garden, either by participating in work days, mowing the lawn, watering communal plants, or other volunteer activities at the garden.

I will plant tall crops only where they will not shade neighboring plots and I will pick only my own crops.

I will use only organic fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides, and use them in such a way as not to affect other plots.

If I must abandon my plot for any reason I will notify the Garden Stewards, [Leslie Hartman 212-1961 or Hayley DeRoche 350-7551]. I understand that garden plots cannot be passed onto family members, friends, or housemates.

I will keep trash and litter cleaned from the plot, as well as from adjacent pathways and fences.

I understand that no alcohol or smoking is allowed on the garden property, except for special functions.

I understand that no one under the age of eighteen (18) years will participate in the program without close adult supervision.

I understand that neither the garden group nor owners of the land are responsible for my actions.

In preparation for renewing plots for 2013, I understand that plots for which signed lease forms and fees have not been received by December 31, 2012 will be assigned to applicants on the waiting list.

I therefore agree to hold harmless the Byrd Park Community Garden and Winthrop Manor (owners of the land) for any liability, damage, loss or claim that occurs in connection with the use of the garden by me or my guests.