Saturday, September 1, 2012

We've Grown!

Well, it's the end of the summer, and the garden has grown!  We've been so busy planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting (the best part!) that we've neglected to post.  But we'll try to get better.  Here are some pics of our labor come to fruition:

 Our lovely sign, designed by Karen Guard (neighbor and graphic artist).

 Here comes the sun (flower)!

 A helpful little waterer, tending the community herb garden.

 The old Russian folktale "The Giant Turnip," but we do it Byrd Park style:  The Giant Weed!

 Susan Loop gets her garden ready for fall.

 Peppers and tomatoes...

 ...and eggplant (ratatouille, anyone?).

 Edamame, ready for picking.

 Okra and flowers.

 A ripe and ready cuke.

 And this melon looks promising.

Beware of little boys carrying snake gourds!

Well, folks, that's all for now.  But come on out to the garden and see more for yourself.  We're having a neighborhood potluck next Sunday evening (extra points for dishes made with garden produce!), September 9th at 6pm.  So come join us!  And eat your veggies!